LinkFive - Successful Subscriptions

How to: Test new iOS and Android subscriptions

How to: Test new iOS and Android subscriptions

It is important to manually test all subscriptions once to make sure that the subscription was created correctly.

Create your iOS subscription

Create your subscriptions as usual via App Store Connect or use LinkFive to create your iOS subscriptions, including our smart pricing strategies and global pricing algorithms.

Waiting for review

After your subscriptions has been created and all meta information has been added, apple requires all new subscriptions to be reviewed by apple.

Appstore connect subscription waiting for review

You can already test your subscription on Testflight

Enable App Store Connect reviewers to purchase your subscription

If you submit your subscriptions for the first time, your subscriptions must be available for the App Store team to purchase within your app.

Integrate our SDK and your subscriptions will be available in your app on TestFlight even though it has not been reviewed yet.

If you have already successfully submitted a subscription, it does not need to be submitted with a new app version anymore.


Test new Subscriptions

One way to do this is to upload a new iOS App version to TestFlight, waiting for it to be processed, and then download it on your devices via Testflight

For Google Play, you can upload your new version to your internal or alpha test track.

LinkFive makes it a lot easier.

To test a new subscription, you can simply create a new subscription playout on LinkFive with a new Filter.


Create a new Subscription Playout

Create a new subscription playout as usual. Read more about Subscription Playout

Create a new subscription playout for appstore connect review


The filters can be used to display certain subscriptions to only a group of users with e.g. a certain version. To do this, we edit the newly created Subscription Playout and view the filter section.

Created filters are deactivated by default

Subscription playout filter - empty

Use the following filters to test the new subscription on your devices

  • Filter the subscriptions by Version
  • Filter the subscription by Platform
  • Filter the subscription by User ID
Subscription playout filter - options

Set your subscriptions filter

  • App Version >= or == 2.1.0
  • Platform iOS
  • (Your internal) User Id == "abcdefghijklmnopqrst"

Submit new App version to App Store Connect

After you specified your Subscription playout, you can test the subscription on your devices and submit the new version for review.

Note: you only have to submit a new app version if you create your first in-app purchase! You can read more on Apple‘s help page

Review Google Play Subscription

Usually Google does not require to review a subscription before it can go on sale. If you need to provide an app version to Google Play, you can apply a Filter with Android as the platform.