LinkFive - Successful Subscriptions

No subscriptions are showing in my iOS Flutter app

No subscriptions are showing in my iOS Flutter app

We assume that you have already created your subscriptions at the Apple App Store.

Does the App Store bundle IDs match with your App‘s bundle Id?

  •  1. Open your iOS workspace with xcodeNavigate to your xCode Workspace
  •  2. Navigate to your Runner Target and check your Bundle Id. Verify that the Bundle Id is the same id that was entered in the App Store.

    Check your Flutters iOS Bundle ID
  •  3. Go to the App Store and compare your bundle Id.

Are you using the Simulator?

If you want to view your subscriptions on the simulator, I'm sorry to tell you that this is not possible. All subscriptions can only be viewed on real iOS devices.

Make sure to pass the correct sku to the plugin

If you don't use the LinkFive plugin, then you need to insert the right SKUs to your app code and make sure to copy paste the correct names. If you have a typo, apple won't send you the right subscription.Id

If you use LinkFive, you don't have to worry! Our service will take care of your SKUs and automatically use the correct id in your app!