LinkFive - Successful Subscriptions

Subscription Playout

Subscription Playout

The subscription playout will deliver your subscriptions to your audience.

There are two types of subscription playouts:

  1. The default playout
  2. The custom playout

Default Playout

The default playout is the basic subscription offer for your users. Subscriptions can be added or removed and are instantly made available in your app.

Custom Playout

The custom playout can be delivered to specific user groups using filters. The custom playout is constantly preferred and is always delivered to the app if the user meets ALL filter criteria.


The following filters are currently available:

  1. Country: Subscriptions will be delivered only to customers who are currently present in the country. It is also possible to select multiple countries.
  2. App Version: Specify the app version and deliver your Subscriptions to a certain app version like version greater than 1.2.0.
  3. User Id: Subscriptions are only delivered to specific users with a specific id. This is mostly used for testing specific subscriptions. Multiple user ids can be separated with a comma.
  4. Api Key: Subscriptions are delivered only to specific Api keys.
  5. UTM Source: Marketing campaigns can specify the utm-source and thus play subscriptions only to users who have set the utm-source.
  6. Environment: specify your environment and test certain subscriptions like for staging, stable and production
  7. Date From: Start your playout on a certain date
  8. Date Until: End your playout after a certain date
  9. Platform: Specify your playout only for Android, or iOS.

App Attributes

Deliver json data along with your subscription playout to your app. This can be used to deliver specific information to e.g. your UI, be it positioning, order or even offer information.

An example is the following json:

"highlight": "P1Y",
"percent": 80,
"campaign": {
"highlight": "P1Y",
"percent": 80,
"color": "#F56A79",
"colorHighlight": "#F56A79",
"banner": {
"text": "summer_special",
"percent": "80"
"color": "#FFD0D5",
"textColor": "#000000"
"countdown": "2021-08-08T23:59"

In this example, a subscription is highlighted and other campaign information such as color, a text banner and a countdown is provided.

It would then look like this:

Packing List Special Offer Subscription Attributes