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LinkFive Purchases Plugin Update 1.5.0

By Alexander Thiele - Average reading time: 1 minutes

We just published our new linkfive_purchases version 1.5.0. Checkout the latest version on pub.dev.

What‘s new

LinkFivePurchases.fetchSubscriptions() had no return value in version 1.3.0. In version 1.4.0 we returned a future of List<ProductDetails> which is correct but was missing the Subscription attributes.

In version 1.5.0 we added the attributes again and LinkFivePurchases.fetchSubscriptions() now returns a Future of LinkFiveSubscriptionData. The LinkFiveSubscriptionData contains a List of LinkFiveProductDetails which represents the subscription product (It's now the same as LinkFivePurchases.products)

listenOnResponseData is now deprecated and won't be replaced. We just used the method internally and should not be used in a production app.

LinkFiveVerifiedReceipt has a new getter. We added subscriptionDuration which contains the duration of the subscription. The duration is an of Type SubscriptionDuration.

Possible values are:

  • P1W
  • P1M
  • P3M
  • P6M
  • P1Y

We also added more documentation to the code.

Along with the update of 1.5.0 we also released the provider version 1.5.0

New to LinkFive? Go to our Documentation!

Published on Nov 25, 2021

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